Friday, March 26, 2010

Boy do I miss this record label & store.. So many many great times & tunes.

I would journey from the southside .. taking bus after bus to the train to get some new music.

It was always great when one of your favorite Wax Trax recording artists would be working the counter & ring you up. Awesome!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

PadDeckX for the new iPad

The new PadDeckX.. one of the first DJ apps made specifically for the Apple iPad. With the added screen size, iPhone app developers can now represent more complex devices while maintaining functionality.

Hmm.. I'm curious to see what this is like. Anyone heard anything? JDLP

Tonetable iPhone App from Inklen

Anyone play with this yet? How is it?

Late Nite Grub

I always get excited when I discover a new Late Nite Spot. DJs.. you know how it is when you get out of work at 3 or 4 am .. you don't want to deal with all the crazies that were at the club or wait in line for a table like it was a club. We all have our list of favorite places that are 24 hrs or open at least open till the early morning. Every city needs a good list. Part of me wants to keep these all to myself.. but since it's just us DJs & some party people.

Some of my favorites:

Pick Me Up Cafe (24 hours on the weekend) Clark & Sheffield

Melrose on Broadway (24 hrs)

Emerald City (till 4 am weekends) China Town - Cermack
Nookies (Boys town)
Much quieter then the other location (Halsted- Lincoln Park) They purposely turns up the volume of the music (Bad 80's) louder & louder & louder & louder to make everyone feel like they are still at the bar & avoid fights I was told by the waitress? WTH??
I was like why am I screaming at my friends just to have a conversation? :D

Elly's Pancake House (formally Michael's & Mitchell's) Clark & North Ave.

These are just a few.. feel free to add more in the comments.

Peace to all my Vampires out there.. See you at the next Vampier Brunch!!! JDLP

Friday, March 19, 2010

Classic Pic of the day

Yes.. That is Bad Boy Bill, Mike "Hitman" Wilson & Pumpin Pete at the Rainbow Roller Rink Chicago 1988

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

DJs.. Where was your favorite place to spin in Chicago (or suburbs) When & Why?

I know there has been many great clubs & parties here in Chicago.. I think one of my favorite places to spin was the Elbo Room (Sunday Night Acid Jazz w/ Liquid Soul & Monday Night for the Blue Groove Lounge) such a great vibe & energy. Going downstairs in to a cave like venue.. reminded me of being at a House Party in my youth. The sound was good & you never knew who you would spot hanging out. I really enjoyed my early days there starting in 1994. JDLP

I got a kick out of this.. DJs don't only DJ (LOL!!) Thanks Dennis

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who were the DJs who influenced you the most ?

We all have that one DJ that made you sit back & say wow! That's what I want to do. Over the year I have been influenced by quite a few.

Early on my 1st DJ buddy was in my Division room in High School (Bogan) Hugo Mercado, Later my good friend Mark Medina introduced me to his DJ buddy Andy Kudelka. We would trade mix tapes of theirs & compare.. take notes, etc. These were the very first guys I met who had DJ equipment.. actual Technique 1200s. Andy pushed me to be more creative.. not to do things the easy way when it came to mixing.

The guys on the radio here in Chicago were a big influences to me & a lot of DJs that came up in that era of spinning. From stations like: WHPK, WNUR, WKKC, WCRX, WCYC, WBMX, WGCI. I got hip to what music was out there & how they were putting it together.

Once I got to High School this whole new world of Hip Hop, House, Parties, Mixing, Graffiti, etc was introduced to me. I started going to parties & collecting records.

These parties were at Banquette Hall, Church Basements, Warehouses, House parties.. that's where all these guys were spinning (House, Italo Disco, Electro / Break Dance Music, High Energy).

I started listening to the College Hip Hop radio shows & they would anounce parties going on around town. Graffiti writters meetings, etc.

Pumpin Pete was one of the 1st cats I saw cuttin, scratchin & playing Hip Hop in the early 80's. We would take the bus downtown, switch & catch the train up north to places like The Rainbow Roller Rink. That's where I first caught him. He is a DJ's DJ.
No one wanted to go on after him, once he did his thing. One of those guys that just made it look so easy. We would also go to places like Steps (One of the early Hip Hop parties) Big Shout to P Lee Fresh the DJ at Steps.

After DMC started putting out the Battle Videos I got hip to guys like Cash Money, Jazzy Jeff, DJ Aladdin, Steve D. These guys all stood out with their technical abilities & influenced me in some way or another.

In the early 90's I met my good friends Uncle Milty, DJ Joc Max from Kansas City, DJ Daz & Orlando from L.A.(Brass). These cast were also doing thing a lot different than the rest. Around the same time I met DJ Smash & Jazzy Nice (New York - Giant Step Crew) when I would play out in NY. They were also doin the Acid Jazz, Funk, Soul, Reggae & Jazzy Hip Hop thing like me at that time.

Big shout to Mike & Rich Mike Huerta (Midnight Fantasy Prod) for putting me on my 1st flyer also DJ Radical Jes Mendoza (Coed Ent.) for being the the 1st to book me back then, Ultimate Touch, Tommie Boy Prod, New Division, DJ Mark Medina & all my DJ friends!!! Keep the music going!!! JDLP